Welcome to ThrowingTwenties.com. We are a community site devoted to Dungeons & Dragons, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Video Games, Books, RPGs, Tabletop Gaming & other geeky goodies.
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SHARE YOUR GAMING EXPERIENCES: Tabletop Gaming and Dungeons & Dragons Contributors Wanted
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We try to provide tabletop gaming, video game, book reviews, TV show reviews, and Dungeons & Dragons information. Please contact us if you’re interested in being an author.
We Are Proud to Introduce a New Custom Game Mechanic
Built off core 5e rule sets, our new game mechanic, “The Acts of Dissension“, gives more focus to melee job options while reworking magic and introducing some new class archetypes. The end result allows melee classes to keep pace with damage scaling of magic users at higher levels.
Meet a few of our playable classes